18 gute Gründe ein Single zu sein

Cooking my own meals would be an adventure, not a punishment.

  1. I wouldn’t have to explain why I’m wearing “that” shirt with “those” pants.
  2. I could leave the toilet seat in any position I damn well please.
  3. I could actually tell the bartender, “If anyone calls, I’m here”.
  4. I’d be painting the town instead of the house.
  5. When I get home after work, I don’t have to start work again.
  6. I could show my girlfriend where I live.
  7. I’d be driving a miniskirt instead of a minivan.
  8. I would have saved 372,416.21 dollars in groceries by now.
  9. I’d get to see what my paycheck looks like.
  10. I’d get to see what my credit cards look like.
  11. You can see a different face when you wake up in the morning, every day of the week!
  12. Going to a strip club doesn’t have to be a covert mission.
  13. Bachelors don’t have Mother-in-laws.
  14. I wouldn’t have to watch sub-titled French films.
  15. I could home drunk to sleep, instead of under a bridge.
  16. I could use my own name at hotels.
  17. I wouldn’t have a driving instructor grading me every time I go somewhere.
  18. When asked his opinion, a single guy can say “Hell yes, you’re fat!”

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